Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New school year

Well it is the second day of school for me here in Hwa Chong Institution and I have got the back to school blues. Another long and tiring year awaits, plus the fact that this year there are more subjects, higher expectations and of course, streaming. For me, it is tough getting back into study mode after two long months of rest and play. Furthermore, having to wake up at 5 30 am every morning is a factor that makes me tired and sometimes a little distracted whenever I go to school.
However, there is on factor which makes this school year a little more enjoyable. My class has been one of the classes that have been chosen to be one of the "Future classes". This means that we will be allowed to bring our laptops to the school and we will be using them in our lessons. This makes the lessons much more interesting as we, the students do not just sit there in our seats and listen to the teacher for the entire lesson which is around an average timing of an hour. We will also be allowed to chat with each other during the lesson, as long as it is about academic stuff and not about games and other things.
With all these in mind, should I look forward to the new school year? Or should I not look forward to it?


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