Thursday, June 11, 2009

As I look back at my first semester.....

My first semester as a secondary one student is over. It has been a fruitful experience for me. There were many ups and downs from this experience but I have to say, I enjoyed it thoroughly.
To me, one of the best things that occured was that I got into my first-choice EP3(CCA), waterpolo. I was competitive swimmer before I came into Hwa Chong( I was not fast enough to go nationals though ) and as there was no more time for me to continue it, I was worried that I would get out of shape. However, I learned that Hwa Chong had waterpolo/swimming EP3 and did not hesitate to go for the trials and was pleased that I did well in it( according to Samuel and Marcus ). When it was time to select the EP3 of your choice, I put it on the top of my list without hesitation. However, I was worried that I would not get in as I heard that most people do not get into their first-choice EP3. Fortunately, when the posting was out, I was on cloud nine when I found out that I had joined the Hwa Chong waterpolo family.
Another of the things that I liked was the fact that I got to follow the C division waterpolo team to all of their matches! As we were two short of a full team, the two secondary one students who had use DSA to come here, Marcus and Samuel, both from my class were roped in. However, two reserves were needed and I was lucky enough to be one of them! Hence, I went to the matches with them, warmed up and practised with the team while waiting for the match to start. The other reserve, Zexel( who was my primary school classmate ) and me also played the role of ball boy whenever the ball went out. It was really fortunate for us as at times, the weather would be windy and cold and at other times, dry and hot. Hence, jumping into the pool was very refreshing.
As for my academics, I am pleased to say that my test marks this term had improved from last term. My Infocomm studies got an unexpected 82 marks, an A1, my history I managed a 13( over 20 marks ) from an 11 last term, which if converted to a hundred marks, was quite a few grades. My geography too managed a C5, 17.5 over 30 from 15 last term, though I lost quite a few marks due to imcomplete answers only. My chinese too improved to 54 over 100( not very good but a significant improvement from last term's 40 over 80 which is about 50 over 100. My maths, one of my weakest subjects, managed a pass for the test. my science also scored 29.5 over 40, missing out on an A1 by just half a mark. But the best of all was my Language Arts( english and literature combined ) which scored A1 for both the narrative writing test( 23 over 30 ) and for the literature test on Animal farm by George Orwell( 21 over 25 ).
However, there were bad things too. In my first semester as a Hwa Chong student, my grades were not very good. My Language Arts scored only a B3 and for my maths, I failed all but the first test, which was a relatively simple one.
Moving on from the good and bad things, there were many interesting things too. I found out that in Hwa Chong, it is actually compulsary to create a blog! The blog would be graded though so you had to post meaningful posts.


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