Special edition posts on the cruelty of whaling in Japan
Whales are hunted for their meat and blubber. Japan now is hunting whales excessively. If this does not stop, whales would soon appear on the endangered list and may even follow in the steps of steller's sea cow, the quagga, the passenger pigeon and many other extinct animals.
Though it is not wrong to hunt whales, Japan should not hunt whales so excessively. Even if it is a delicacy in Japan, the citizens there should not order whale every time they visit a restaurant. That will cause an increase in demand for whale meat and hence, whales will be hunted more. More meat, people will eat even more of whale and the demand for whale meat will increase again, causing whales to be hunted even more. That will show how selfish they are.
Man's greedy nature has caused the extinction of the dodo, the elephant bird, the passenger pigeon, steller's sea cow, the moa and many more animals. Some people even did not know that the animal they shot was tha last of its species. If man was not so selfish and greedy, we would still see the quagga, giant birds like the moa and the elephant bird and many more. Likewise, if Japan does not stop its excessive whaling, whales, one of the largest mammals on this earth(even bigger than most dinosaurs) would too be gone forever.
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